On December 2, 1968, with episcopal approval of the Florida Bishops, the Presidents and Moderators of the existing Arch/Diocesan Councils of Catholic Women of the Province of Miami met in Orlando, under the direction of Marie Palmer, National Director and Third Vice-President of NCCW, to establish the Miami Provincial Council, later changed to the Florida Council of Catholic Women
The National Council of Catholic Women acts through its members to support, empower and educate all Catholic women in spirituality, leadership and service. NCCW programs respond with Gospel values to the needs of the Church and society in the modern world.
To support the programs of the National Council of Catholic Women and maintain communication within the Province of Miami.
Serve as medium through which Catholic women in Florida may speak and act on matters of public interest.
To establish liaison or cooperation with other organizations of good will.
Work with the Archbishop and Bishops of Florida.
Membership is composed of the Councils of Catholic Women in the Archdiocese of Miami and the six Dioceses in the State of Florida: Orlando, Palm Beach, Pensacola-Tallahassee, St. Augustine, St. Petersburg, and Venice.
The Board of Directors consists of the President/Province Director, President/Province Director-Elect, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer (all on rotation schedule among the A/DCCWs), the A/DCCW Presidents and Spiritual Advisors, appointed officers and committee chairs.
The purpose of the FCCW is "to unite the Catholic women of the State of Florida in purpose, direction and action in religious, educational, legislative, social and economic fields; to stimulate greater proficiency in meeting the needs of the times; to render them assistance in these efforts."
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Archbishops/Bishops usually appoint a spiritual advisor to a Diocesan Council of Catholic Women. This spiritual advisor attends Council meetings and also serves as a liaison with the Bishop. Local pastors or a member of the parish staff serve the same function in parish organizations.
Spiritual Advisors often attend the NCCW Convention along with members of their Council.
In the Province of Miami, the Province Spiritual Advisor is from the same diocese as the Province Director.