Spirituality / Vocations

    • Julie Rothery
      Julie Rothery
      Spirituality/Vocations Co-chair
    • Very Rev. Michael J. Greer, V.F.
      Very Rev. Michael J. Greer, V.F.
      Miami Spiritual Advisor
    • Josephine Weiss
      Josephine Weiss
      Spirituality/Vocations Co-Chair
  • Open Wide Our Hearts

    In an effort to embrace the humanity of all our brothers and sisters and in opposition to the culture of racism, let us pray for the conversion of our communities and our nation.

    As in all things, we turn to prayer, asking Our Blessed Mother to intercede on our behalf:

    Mary, friend and mother to all,
    through your Son, God has found a way
    to unite himself to every human being,
    called to be one people,
    sisters and brothers to each other.

    We ask for your help in calling on your Son,
    Seeking forgiveness for the times when
    we failed to love and respect one another.

    We ask for your help in obtaining from your Son
    The grace we need to overcome the evil of racism
    and to build a just society.

    We ask for your help in following your Son,
    so that prejudice and animosity
    will no longer infect our minds or hearts
    but will be replaced with a love that respects
    the dignity of each person.

    Mother of the Church
    The Spirit of your Son Jesus
    Warm our hearts:



    From "Open Wide Our Hearts "  the enduring call to love, a pastoral letter against racism
    United States Conference of Catholic Bishops

    Click here for more information 


  • Prayer for Vocations

    "Father you call each one of us by
    name and ask us to follow you.

    Bless your church by raising
    up dedicated and generous
    leaders from our families
    and friends who will serve
    your people as Sisters, Priests,
    Brothers, Deacons, and Lay Ministers.

    Inspire us as we grow to
    know you, and open our hearts
    to hear your call.

    We ask this in Jesus name.  Amen."